Monday, October 30, 2017

There is a bench in woods that I consider my 'thinking bench'. A lot of thinking has been done there. It sits under towering spruce. The aromatic branches overhead helped with the decision making that was done.

It's been a while since the last post and a lot has transpired since then. My resignation letter was submitted at work a few weeks ago which in turn lead to the decisions made of late.
My walks through the paths in the woods where the squirrels chattered in the treetops and the leaves crunched underfoot, helped me decide on my own new path.

With the resignation letter in, a new chapter of life begins so my house is going up for sale. Why write a chapter when you can write an entire book?

I love the area that I live in but it's not the only area where trails are close by and wildlife is abundant. I love my house but I can find and love another. I love my yard but I can find one that needs some love and make it my own. So the journey begins.

I have been house hunting already; at another lake where ski and hiking trails are close by. There's easy access to get the kayak in the water. There are yards that need TLC and little cottages that just need a personal touch. I am excited for the adventure ahead.

Even though my brain has been in overdrive, I didn't let that stop me from enjoying the beauty still abundant on the trails. There are still pops of color everywhere. Colorful leaves are holding on to branches that shiver in the wind. Mossy logs are vivid as they lay on the leafy brown carpet. Red rose hips hang from thorn covered bushes.

My outdoor time may be irregular which in turn will make posts irregular but I will continue to carve out as much outdoor time as possible as boxes are packed and a new journey begins. I will share the journey with you as it unfolds. Stay tuned

Sunday, October 15, 2017

I've had daily visitors to the backyard. They haven't been the two-legged kind.

A doe and her twins showed up in early September. They are stopping by almost daily. If they are not in my yard, they are in the yard next door. Yesterday they were mowing and fertilizing the neighbor's lawn and pruning the shrubs. They hit the jackpot in that yard because that lawn hasn't been mowed since July.
I love watching the trio. They have been nibbling the leaves that were still holding on; thankfully leaving the twigs intact.

Yesterday they started their tour in my yard with the hope of reaching the sunflower seeds. Mama didn't get the seeds but she did get a candid close up taken by my trail cam.

I went for a short hike yesterday to see what was happening at the local ponds. The waterfowl are gone and there is a thin layer of ice forming. The forest was quiet except for the crunch of leaves under my boots. 

The trees are bare except for the rose bushes. Their leaves are hanging on and provide a burst of color against the bare underbrush. 

There's a bit of snow on the trail; a reminder to hikers that winter is on the way.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

It took a few days for the snow to melt in the yard but there are still patches of it in the ditches. The moisture was welcomed but the damage it did was not.

The backyard shrubs have recuperated from the heavy snowfall but many of the trees along the range road and on the trails have snapped off under the weight of the blanket.

What the snow didn't damage, the wind took care of the last couple of days. The brilliant colors of fall are now strewn on the ground. Most branches are bare while the trails are covered with a leafy carpet.

I got the water barrels emptied and the broken flower stems pruned. The tent came down yesterday. The area by the fire pit is looking bare without it. I'm hoping the weather will hold out for a few more days so the lawn furniture can get covered. 

Even though the colors of fall are no more, it is a great time to take a walk in the woods. You can see between the trees and may notice the wildlife that the leaves had hidden through the summer. The ducks and geese are still frequenting the ponds. They are in no hurry to leave. The air is crisp and fresh and inviting; just like the cup of coffee or hot chocolate waiting for you upon your return.

Monday, October 2, 2017

I am so ready for some outdoor time. September is the busiest month of the year at work and my favorite month of the year for trail time. I managed to get a couple short jaunts in to enjoy the beautiful fall colors but they were only about 40 minutes long. Better than nothing.
I love being on the trails in the early morning. The sun casts long shadows over the trail. The yellow leaves on the aspens glow in the morning sun.

Each season has its own smell. Spring is fresh. Summer is floral. Winter is crisp and clean. Autumn is earthy. 

The smell of ripe berries, decaying leaves, and wet earth remind me that Mother Nature is shutting things down for a long winter nap.

The smells, the colors and the calls of gathering flocks of birds preparing for a long flight make autumn a wonderful time of year to explore.

I woke to a layer of snow on the yard this morning but the temperature will rise later in the week and will melt that snow for some added moisture. This coming weekend is the first one in the last 5 that I'll be able to spend some time in the woods. I can't wait.