Monday, February 11, 2013

How Many Empty Nesters?

Spring was in the air.  The sun was shining.  The sky was blue.  The snow was melting.  It was a beautiful day and I took advantage of it by heading to the snow shoe trail at Elk Island today.

As I drove through the park, a bison herd was on the move.  Many of them were on the highway, stopping the traffic.  

I was the only one in the parking lot when I got to the trail head.  As I headed out on the trail, I noticed many more animal tracks between the trees.  It appeared that they were beginning to come out to enjoy the sunshine as well.

I saw and heard at least four squirrels; each running up the tallest trees and nattering at me from above.  A pair of hairy woodpeckers were flying from tree to tree.  The chickadees, the blue jays and a pileated woodpecker were calling from the forest.

I noticed that the pussy willows along the beaver pond were opening.  As I stood on the boardwalk, the only sounds I heard were the rustling of the dead grasses and the creaking of the trees in the wind.

Today, I paid attention to the many empty nests sitting in the tree branches.  Without the leaves on the trees, I could see  numerous nests that housed last year's feathered friends.  I wondered how many will have returnees this spring and how many will be 'empty nesters'.

I got home to find pine grosbeaks, blue jays, chickadees, redpolls and a downy woodpecker in the tray feeder.  There was a feeding frenzy going on.

I grabbed a coffee and went out to the deck.  The sun was warm and the birds were entertaining.  What a great afternoon.

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