Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The moment that I stepped outside, I was blasted with some very frigid air.  It's been quite the contrast from the temperatures a couple of weeks ago when they were in the double digits on the plus side.

The wind was still blowing today.  Loose snow blew across the crusty sculpted surface in the open fields.  At the corner where I turn to head home, three deer were grazing at the top of a hill.  They glanced in my direction.  I wondered if they were my regular visitors.

When I pulled into the driveway I noticed that they had visited during the day.  I refilled the bird feeders for the chickadees.  A short time later, all five furry friends filed into the yard.  

They are so entertaining.  I could watch them for hours as they eat their grain and sunflower seeds.  The comical faces they make as they eat, make me laugh out loud.  They use their tongues to remove the grain that sticks to their wet noses.

They must not have been very hungry when they came around the second time.  The bird feeders did not get emptied completely.  I felt bad that the pail of water was not out for them today but the cord I used for the heated pail was plugged into my vehicle because it's supposed to dip to -28C tonight.  Brrrrrrr.

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