Monday, April 28, 2014

I really needed an outdoor day.  It's been awhile since I've been on the trails.  The weather was perfect.  The sun shone between little rain showers.  There was just enough rain to make things smell fresh.  

I managed to visit Elk Island and the Strathcona Wilderness Center.  I have to say that both were not for fitness.  They were definitely for mental health; just me, my camera and nature.  The day was perfect.

I started at Elk Island on the Amisk Wuche Trail.  There was still ice on the beaver pond with only a few small areas of open water.  As I crossed the boardwalk, I heard ducks, geese and frogs.  When I reached the other side, I felt like I was being watched.  As I looked around to
find what was giving me that feeling, I noticed a large beaver.  It's color blended in with the brown grasses.  It stood very still, keeping an eye on me.

Almost all the snow is gone from the trail.  There were only a few shady spots that had icy patches.  The low spots had standing water that was home to many swimming bugs.  Butterflies flitted across sunny spots.

I stopped at my favorite area on the trail.  I could smell the damp earth, the wet leaves and the spruce needles.  Water trickled down a bank.  It's soothing sound was music to my ears.

My second outing took place at the SWC.  The beaver pond was ice-free.  It is full of water and home to a pair of Canada Geese.

I could hear the frogs, gulls and ducks.  I could hear the tall grasses rustling in the breeze.  The trees swayed to and fro.  I could see their reflection in the many large puddles on the trail.

I savored every minute of my time outside today.  I could hear, see and feel the earth waking up after a long winter.  

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