Friday, February 27, 2015

I used the kicksled for the mail run today.  It was the first time that I was confident enough to take it off the driveway.  I had the kick motion and foot transfer mastered enough to take it out in public.  There was only one vehicle that passed by and I got a very strange look from the driver.  She didn't know what she was missing.

I came up the driveway and noticed that the deer were in the backyard.  All ten showed up at the same time today.  Needless to say, there was some commotion.  The mamas wanted to eat before letting the fawns eat and the bucks wanted to eat before all the others.  When they noticed me, the bucks took off but the does and fawns stayed to finish raiding the feeders.  

As soon as I got into the house, the bucks were back.  The one that has mastered removing the bottom of the birdfeeders was at it again.  I would like to know how he figured out that he could grab the bottom with his teeth and pull to release the seeds.

With the longer days, it is still light out when I am driving home from work.  This allows me to see all the forest creatures along the roadside.  

I saw four moose earlier this week.  One crossed the road in front of me and the other three were munching on willow twigs in the ditch.  A porcupine was at the top of a tall birch tree.  It was hard to believe that the narrow branch could support its weight.

This morning I saw two elk feeding at some old hay bales.  I'm sure they have escaped from a local elk farm or Elk Island National Park.  Last year I saw only one but that one had a buddy for breakfast today.

I picked up my granddaughters for a weekend sleepover.  Before they crawled into bed this evening we planned our activities for tomorrow.  It sounds like we'll be getting lots of fresh air! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hello, my name is Sharon and I'm a snow-a-holic.  I brought home a new winter toy today.  I've only taken it out on my driveway to figure out how to maneuver it but I can truthfully say that I am addicted.  Now I really need winter to remain year round.

The first time I saw one was a couple of years ago on a newscast.  It looked like a lot of fun so I began to research its use and sales locations.  There were no local retailers so I gave up looking until last week.  On a whim I searched again and found a retailer just a short distance away.  Needless to say, I was excited.  I was even more excited when an email reply came back saying that my size was in stock and I could pick it up this week.  Today was the day that I added it to my winter arsenal of fun.

There are no street lights where I live which is a good thing.  It took me a few runs up and down the driveway to figure out the correct balance and motion.  It's much easier to kick with one leg than the other but I've got it figured out and now I can't wait to get out to the trails.  I'm contemplating a 7am start for work tomorrow so I can finish earlier and make it out to the trails to try out my toy.  I don't think I can wait until the weekend.

Since the beginning of winter, I've been snowshoeing, x-country skiing, hiking and ice skating.  Now I can add kicksledding to the list.  I was bombing up and down the driveway feeling like a little kid on a scooter.  What a riot!  

A kicksled has a seat situated on two runners that can hold a passenger or your backpack/supplies if you are out alone.  The seat back has handles to hold onto that are used for steering.  There are two footrests on the runners to stand on.  The sled is maneuvered with a kicking motion similar to that of a child on a scooter. There are accessories available to hitch a dog to the front of the sled but there is no dog here so it will be powered by this Outdoor Girl.

I hope the groundhog was wrong.  I need spring to hold off for as long as possible so I can enjoy a few more weeks in the snow.  As I'm writing this post, I'm vibrating with excitement.  I just might have to go out and try out that sled one more time this evening.

Woohoo!  Here I come!




Monday, February 23, 2015

This morning the blue sky is filled with a few wispy white clouds and lots of sunshine.  It is turning out to be a great day.  

There is a choir in the backyard.  I can hear the chickadees singing in the branches of the old willow next door.  The pine grosbeaks are adding their verses on the opposite side of the
yard in the tops of the aspen trees.  The calls of the blue jays, magpies and the pileated woodpecker are echoing through the forest behind my yard.  

There is a tray feeder on the back deck.  I've seen the chickadees and the redpolls 'breaking bread' together.  Once in awhile a pine grosbeak will land on the deck rail and want to join in.  The smaller birds scatter when this happens.  I
guess there is a size limit for who shares the table.  They are so entertaining to watch.  It's a great activity to enjoy while having a morning coffee.

The hanging feeders are empty again.  I can tell by the shape that they are in that the usual suspect was in the yard last night.  There is only one buck that has figured out how to get those seeds dumped to the ground.  When he's been in the yard, the feeders are either hanging in disrepair or are laying in pieces on the ground.  He's been a regular in the yard of late and has had me refilling the bird feeders more often.  The guys at the feed store will be wondering how I went through a 50lb sack of seed so quickly.

I have an appointment for tomorrow to pick up my new snow toy.  I wish that I would have found the local supplier earlier in the season.  The retailer will be showing me how to use it correctly so I can remain upright.  Hopefully the snow will not melt too quickly and I will be able to enjoy it for a few more weeks.  I'm giddy with excitement.  It will be 'snow' much fun!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The sky is blue and filled with sunshine this morning.  It was a cold night but that -27C has become -10C.

I had to refill all the bird feeders.  The deer emptied them overnight and all the feathered diners were waiting for breakfast.  As soon as the seeds came out, so did the birds.  The pine grosbeaks were singing to me.  The chickadees were calling out for 'cheeseburgers' and the blue jays squawked from the tree tops.  A magpie helped himself to the grain in the deer dish.
It is shaping up to be a grand day to participate in some outdoor activities.  I hope all those heading out will enjoy the sounds of nature.  I won't be one of them today but am anticipating a lot of outdoor time by the weekend.  I'm adding some new equipment to the arsenal of winter toys and I should be getting it this week.  It is going to provide a different opportunity for more fun in the snow.  Exciting!

Dive-bombing the seed supply!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Well, the rumble was not in the jungle today.  It was in my backyard.  The three bucks showed up this afternoon.  The timing was perfect.  I had been holed up in the basement for most of the day and came up for a coffee break just as they were filing into the yard.

The three of them travel together and appear to get along but when it comes to food, that is a different story.  The largest of the three dominates the grain dish.  He eats there first.  The other two are not allowed to be near him so they start their feasting at the bird feeders.  

The smallest buck heads straight to the tray feeder where he can reach and eat with no difficulty.  Nobody bothers him except for the odd chickadee that comes swooping down from a tree branch.

Buck number three is the most entertaining.  He's the one that figured out how to open the bird feeder so that the seeds dump onto the ground.  When he did it yesterday, I thought that was a lucky break but he was back today and he knows exactly what he is doing.

He grabbed the bird perch with his teeth on the first feeder and couldn't get it to open.  He tried pulling down on it twice.  When he couldn't get the seeds to fall, he moved to the second feeder.  He repeated the process; grab the perch with the teeth and pull down.  Voila!  The next time he is in the yard, I have to get a video of him doing this.  It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

When the seed eaters were finished, they tried getting to the grain dish.  His royal highness was not finished yet so there was a rumble that ensued.  There was a lot of rearing up and chasing.  He left quite a few hoof marks on the backs of the other two.

The two that wanted to eat did not give up.  They kept sneaking up behind the big guy but as soon as he would notice, he would take after them or stomp them depending on how close they were.  When
he chased them, they would run round and round a spruce tree.  

A loud vehicle on the road scared the two larger bucks into the forest.  The little guy was brave enough to remain in the yard and finished up the grain that spilled onto the snow when the dish went flying during a fight.

Nothing can beat the reality entertainment outside my window!

Friday, February 20, 2015

I haven't been on my favorite trails for a few weeks and still could not go out today but I did go for a drive.  The bison were on the move at Elk Island National Park.  It is always fun watching as they make their way through the snow or file one behind the other beside the vehicles parked on the Bison Loop roadway.  They can get up close and personal as they pass by.

On the way home I stopped at the Waskahegan Staging area to see what the ski trails were like after the Birkebeiner was held there last weekend.  The groomer has done a good job.  It looked like skiing should be good.  I can't wait until I am totally over this bout of laryngitis; doing anything strenuous in the cold air does not bode well with my throat.

As I pulled into my driveway, seven deer heads popped up simultaneously behind a snowbank.  It took me by surprise and was pretty funny to see.  They didn't stick around.  I got out of the truck to open the garage door and they bolted into the forest.

It didn't take long for them to return.  The seven does and fawns cleaned out the grain dish and the bird feeders.  When they left for good, I refilled everything.  Not a half hour later, three bucks came into the yard.  There are two white tailed deer and one mule deer.  The last time I saw them, two of the three still had their antlers.  Today they were all antler-less.

There is one that dominates the three.  He is always the first to eat at the grain dish.  When the others come close, he puts his ears and his head down.  If that does not stop the other from approaching, he veers up on this hind legs and stomps his front legs on the other.  This happened twice during the time I was watching.

I did witness something that I haven't seen before.  While the dominant buck was eating his grain, another one went straight to a hanging bird feeder.  He grabbed the bottom tray with his teeth and pulled down.  The tray came loose and the seeds fell from the hopper to the ground.  He didn't just do it once.  He did it to the second feeder as well.  I had been wondering why my feeders were laying in pieces on the ground.  What I witnessed answered that question this afternoon.

I love watching the deer in the yard.  I learn something new about them each time they come to visit.



Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Big, fluffy snowflakes fell all day.  That didn't stop the birds and the deer from visiting the yard.  

One fawn showed up early in the morning.  As it ate, a white blanket formed on its head and back.  It did not rush with its meal.  There were no others around.  Every now and again it would glance up.  I captured a photograph of that little beauty with its tongue out.  It looked just like a child trying to catch snowflakes.

 A pileated woodpecker came in search of food.  I could hear its call before I actually saw the bird.  The snowflakes were coming down so thickly that it was difficult to see the woodpecker on an old poplar trunk.

Black capped chickadees, pine grosbeaks, white breasted nuthatches, downy and hairy woodpeckers and bluejays frequented the deck feeder.  They provide me with non-stop backyard entertainment, no matter what the weather.

Monday, February 16, 2015

It's catch up time!  Over the course of the past week I've been to Jasper and back, shoveled 16cm of snow off the driveway, watched the birds and deer in their feeding frenzy, attempted to repair the bird feeders that have been damaged and tried to rest enough to get rid of the lingering laryngitis that I've been fighting.

The weather in Alberta can change in a matter of minutes.  The wind gusted and sections of the highway on the way to Jasper had snow blowing across.  In the town site of Jasper it was melting.  Water ran off the roof tops like a hose that had been turned on.  This created some treacherous areas in the hotel parking lot.

The first day there was the best for a visit to the skating oval at the Jasper Park Lodge.  The surface was smooth and the ice was thick and clear.  Snow covered peaks provided a relaxing landscape to observe.  It was a great way to enjoy some fresh air after spending 4 hours driving.

The temperature was well above zero.  It was cloudy most of the time but it was perfect to spend some time outside.  

On the morning of the 12th, Pyramid Lake was the destination of choice for some snowshoeing.  There were many people enjoying the mountain air in an assortment of ways; on skates, on fat bikes, on skis or snowshoes and on foot.  An hour was spent trudging through the snow on the lake surface and through the trees.  The smell of the evergreen sap was the best aromatherapy next to the smell of a campfire.

A tour of the Maligne Canyon was booked for the afternoon.  The tour company provided the ice spikes to participants so people could maneuver through the ice and snow on the canyon floor.  

I've been through the canyon previously but there is something different to see each time.  The ice never freezes in the same formations.  This time I found an ice sculpture created by Mother Nature in the shape of a forest elf.

There were a couple of tall 'frozen falls' that ice climbers were scaling.  The largest one was a beauty.  One could walk directly behind it and come out the other side.  Water trickled from the springs that found their way through the rock.

The guide taking the group through the canyon was in no hurry to return.  He took his time explaining things along the way and answered the many questions asked.  Participants in the group came from Australia and the United Kingdom.

Rain fell through the night of the 12th.  It felt like a summer rain storm.  It had stopped long enough on the morning of the 13th so more mountain air could be enjoyed.  The walk around Lake Annette was scenic and peaceful.  It was also very slippery where water covered the ice patches on the trail.  

The woodpeckers were busy searching for food.  A pileated woodpecker flew into a tree top and a black backed woodpecker was searching underneath the bark of a fallen spruce tree.

Rain began falling on the drive home.  The temperature was above zero for most of the time.  The wipers began freezing up close to home.  When I pulled into the garage, a layer of ice coated the vehicle and the doors were frozen shut.  I had to push a few times to break the ice seal so I could get out.

On Feb 14th, I woke to 16cm of snow on the driveway.  The rain had turned to snow overnight.  Big fluffy flakes covered everything.  It took quite a while to clear the snow; not because of how much there was but because I was enjoying it.

I was hoping to take in the Pigeon Lake Sled Dog Races during my time off but didn't make it out there.  I opted for rest to try and rid the last bit of laryngitis that has been hanging on.  This has been the best day in more than three weeks for not going hoarse.  I'm looking forward to having my voice back 100%.  I'm also looking forward to getting out on the trails with my skis this week.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

I was looking out the back window this morning when one fawn came tearing through the trees at top speed.  It didn't even stop at the fence line.  The timing was impeccable as it ducked down under the bottom wire without missing a step.  Once it was in the yard it stopped and looked back to the trees as if wondering if the mama was missing him/her yet.

It headed straight for the grain dish and positioned itself so it could see into the trees.  Every now and again it would glance up as if to check if the rest were coming or if the mama was missing him/her.  It reminded me of a little child doing something even though he/she was told not to.

I don't know where the rest of the herd was.  They never did show up.  The little one ate its fill and ran back in the direction that it came.

This is the second winter that the deer have come regularly into the yard.  What fun it has
been watching them daily.  I've come to recognize each by its distinctive personality.  One heads straight to the seeds that fall beneath the hanging bird feeders.  One does not like being crowded at the food dish.  Another is a bully and chases the others away until he is done eating.  

I truly get a bang for my entertainment dollar.  It costs me a mere $13 for a sack of grain every two weeks.  That nominal fee provides hours of fun!


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Well, the best made plans went out the window today.  No outdoor activities for me.  I did however get my house cleaned and was able to take in lots of backyard animal and bird action.

The youngsters from the herd of seven white tails came bounding into the yard this morning.  They left the adults behind.  The trio came in for a little snack but kept watching for the adults who never did arrive.

I refilled the grain dish in case the adults were to show up but found a strange visitor feeding there.  A stray cat has been frequenting the yard and must have decided to become a
vegetarian today.  It was eating the grain that I set out for the deer.  I haven't seen that before.

The birds were busy at the feeders.  The redpolls showed up in a small flock and took turns with the grosbeaks at a tray feeder.  I'm glad the cat ate and left because many of the birds were feeding off the ground as well.

The deer showed up in the late afternoon.  A couple of bucks came into the yard first.  I recognized them from another visit; one male white tail and one male mule deer.  The male with the antlers appeared to be the leader; not letting the other come to feed.  

It wasn't long after they showed up that the herd of seven white tails came stampeding through the trees.  The little ones got quite the surprise when the males took after them and wouldn't allow them at the dish.  Round and round the yard they went.  It wasn't until the males left that the fawns and does could eat.

The day was beautiful; blue sky and sunshine.  I wish I could have been outside to enjoy it.


Friday, February 6, 2015

It took an hour and a half to clear the snow from my driveway this morning.  I felt invigorated when I was done.  The fresh, cold air was what I needed.  I'm at the end of a bout of laryngitis and have not spent enough time outside.  This morning made up for it. 

Almost all the snow had melted from the warm temperatures a few weeks ago but the snowbanks along the driveway are four feet tall again.  I took eight inches of snow off the driveway so there's plenty of it for skiing.  I can't wait to get out on the trails again.  The cold air had been irritating my throat but my time outside today was perfect so I'll be giving the trails a try tomorrow.

I didn't see the deer today but they came at dusk yesterday, during the storm.  They were wearing 'snow blankets' on their backs.  The grain dish remained full through the day.  They will probably visit overnight.

The birds were busy and kept me entertained.  Chickadees came out of their hiding places in the spruce boughs.  I put some soft peanut butter at the feeding station on my deck.  The downy and hairy woodpeckers flew in to feast on it when the chickadees were not there.  Pine grosbeaks swooped from the tree tops to a tray feeder.  As four to five of them fed at the tray, others scavenged the seeds that fell to the ground.

When I was shoveling, I could hear the pileated woodpecker in the trees behind my yard.  I haven't seen it come to the deck feeder for more than a month.  The little redpolls were looking for food but arrived before I had the feeders refilled.  I didn't see them return.

Fine snow fell through the day.  The heavy snowfall warning has been lifted and I'm hoping that the sun will shine tomorrow.  I'll try the ski trails but if my throat does not cooperate with the cold air, there's always the snowshoes and my camera to keep me outside.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

I knew that Mother Nature wouldn't let me down.  There had to be more winter.  I'm not ready to pack away the skis, snowshoes and skates.

The snow began falling at noon.  Big, fluffy, white flakes are covering the landscape.  When the shoveling is complete tomorrow morning, I'll be sure to take in some of that beauty.

I had my grand-daughters last weekend and we enjoyed some outdoor time.  The ice rinks were covered in snow so skating was out of the question but there was opportunity for sledding and skiing.

We took the skis to the Cooking Lake - Blackfoot Recreation area.  I took the girls to a little used area where we would not impede all the skiers practicing for the Birkie.  They are getting really good on their skis.

When they tired, we took the sled and the crazy carpets to a hill just off the parking lot.  It had the perfect incline; just enough for them to go zipping down at a reasonable speed.  There was lots of screaming and running up the hill which resulted in some beautiful, rosy cheeks.

With the new snowfall, there will be a few more weeks of winter fun.  I'll be sure to take advantage of every outdoor, snowy moment that I can.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The two and four legged friends came from every direction.  It appeared that the forest creatures knew that I had my granddaughters for the weekend and they all wanted to say hello.

On Saturday morning nine deer came into the yard at the same time.  The girls watched them file in.  There were two adult males in the group.  The larger of the two was a bully.  He ate first and would not allow the others to come near until he was done.  

The smaller male was an outcast; a mule deer traveling with the herd of white tails.  They provided action in the yard for twenty minutes before a noisy vehicle scared them off.  The girls watched them from the bedroom window.  "Gramma, that is so cool."

The birds put on a show as well.  While we sat at the kitchen table, seven species of birds came and went from the deck feeder within thirty minutes.  Wren named almost all of them. 

Male and female downy woodpeckers, male and female hairy woodpeckers, bluejays, chickadees, nuthatches, male/female pine grosbeaks and redpolls provided the entertainment.  Later in the afternoon pine and evening grosbeaks feasted at the same time in a tray feeder. 

The girls are becoming 'experts' on naming the backyard birds.  They watch for the red 'caps' on the woodpeckers that distinguish the males/females.  What fun we had watching Mother Nature's reality show.