Thursday, February 5, 2015

I knew that Mother Nature wouldn't let me down.  There had to be more winter.  I'm not ready to pack away the skis, snowshoes and skates.

The snow began falling at noon.  Big, fluffy, white flakes are covering the landscape.  When the shoveling is complete tomorrow morning, I'll be sure to take in some of that beauty.

I had my grand-daughters last weekend and we enjoyed some outdoor time.  The ice rinks were covered in snow so skating was out of the question but there was opportunity for sledding and skiing.

We took the skis to the Cooking Lake - Blackfoot Recreation area.  I took the girls to a little used area where we would not impede all the skiers practicing for the Birkie.  They are getting really good on their skis.

When they tired, we took the sled and the crazy carpets to a hill just off the parking lot.  It had the perfect incline; just enough for them to go zipping down at a reasonable speed.  There was lots of screaming and running up the hill which resulted in some beautiful, rosy cheeks.

With the new snowfall, there will be a few more weeks of winter fun.  I'll be sure to take advantage of every outdoor, snowy moment that I can.

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