Sunday, March 15, 2015

I can't seem to shake the 'bug' that has been with me since the beginning of February.  Last week, I couldn't stand not being on the trails and decided to take the kicksled out for one run before the snow melts.  Turns out that was not a good idea; cough and hoarseness are back but not as bad as before.  It's only happening now in the evening after a day of answering phones and meetings rather than all day long.  I'm hoping with the spring like weather that is happening now, that the 'bug' will leave with the melting snow.

Since I'm not on the trails, I've been settling for some short road trips to Elk Island Park and through the local countryside.  Many of my last drives resulted in not seeing a thing.  There's more wildlife action in my backyard than what I saw on my travels.  I thought my last trip out was going to be a bust until I was almost home.

My 'inner moose instinct' told me to take a different route home so I turned onto a township road a mile north of the one I usually travel.  I noticed a dark silhouette in the distance.  It was in the ditch so I slowed and moved closer until I could tell what it was.  There, along the roadside was a beautiful female moose with a yearling calf.  The calf was in the trees and not visible enough for photos but mama cooperated for my camera.  

I watched her for more than thirty minutes.  She traveled from willow to willow; feeding on the tender branches.  As she grabbed for the twigs, I got a good view of her teeth and I could hear the branches as she bent and broke them off.

Her coat was in great condition.  I saw a moose at Elk Island that had very little hair left due to a tick infestation.  This cow was very healthy and so was her calf. 

I drove home feeling very satisfied with my find.  The sun was shining and I decided to enjoy coffee on the deck.  Just as I sat down, the deer wandered into the yard and the birds came from the treetops to feed.  Mother Nature joined me for coffee.

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