Wednesday, April 15, 2015

One of my favorite spots to stop at is the Spruce Bog at the Strathcona Wilderness Centre.  At the interpretive sign, a dirt path leads to a boardwalk.  Paper birch and Labrador tea grow on either side.

The boardwalk leads you into a secluded area beneath the towering black spruce.  When you look up you see a thick canopy of evergreen boughs. The forest floor is covered with a soft, green moss carpet.  Squirrel middens litter the tree roots. The spruce cones provide a continual banquet for the chatty forest creatures.

There are a number of benches to sit on.  In addition to being a great area for school groups to study, it is a great area for anyone requiring some forest solitude.  As you sit and listen to the creak of the tree trunks swaying in the wind or the squirrels scolding you for entering their territory, you might be lucky to see a great horned owl staring at you.  I've spotted a couple of them there.

The spruce bog is a wonderful spot to reconnect; to take in Mother Nature's beauty.  When the sap starts flowing, the smell of evergreens surrounds you.  It's a beautiful, serene hide-away that allows you the quiet to think with a great aromatherapy treatment provided at no charge.

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