We are having a great run of fall weather. The daytime temperatures have been above normal. The sky has been cloudless. It has been perfect to spend time outdoors.
I've been waiting for the ideal day to have my annual leaf bonfire. It was supposed to be yesterday but the wind was too gusty. By the evening it had died down enough so that I could have a 'regular' bonfire.
The lawn furniture is still uncovered so I pulled up my favorite chair, grabbed a cup of tea and hunkered down by the fire pit. I positioned my chair so I could see the last rays of the sun reflect on the lake. It was a beautiful night. As the last bit of light disappeared, the stars began appearing.
I closed my eyes and listened to the night sounds; the coyotes howling in the trees behind my yard, the crackle of the pine sap in my logs and the waterfowl calls on the lake. I heard wings cutting through the air and opened my eyes in time to see five ducks fly overhead.
There were no barking dogs. The children that played in the ditch in front of my house all afternoon were inside for the night. There was no traffic noise. It felt like I was the only person around for miles.
I had hoped that the aurora would be out but settled for the millions of twinkling stars. The darker it got, the more stars came out. Once in awhile the logs would spark and embers would fly straight up and disappear into the night.
There is something about the smell of a bonfire that soothes the soul and something about being under a star-filled sky that makes me realize how truly blessed I am to live where I do.
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