Friday, November 6, 2015

This morning was calm, cloudless and perfect for an outing.  I was the only one on the trail.  The sun's rays shone through the leafless forest, creating long shadows over the frozen ground.  The light made the frosty branches sparkle like diamonds.

When I walk, I block everything out except for what is immediately around me.  I tune in to what I can see and hear.  The squirrels chattered to each other.  The chickadees were hanging upside down on the birch trees, picking seeds for breakfast.  A grouse hen watched me from a fallen log.  A pileated woodpecker called from a tall snag.  I heard movement in the forest and glanced in that direction.  I found a coyote staring back at me between the trees.

The overnight temperatures have dipped to -8C creating a layer of ice on the lake.  The daytime temperatures have not been warm enough to melt what was frozen. 

On November 2nd it looked hopeful that the snow was finally coming but by the afternoon, what had fallen was melted.  I looked back at my photos and longed to see the same amount of snow that fell on November 8, 2012.  

Nov 8, 2012

Everyday that it is above zero and snowless is one less day of winter fun for me.  My skis, snowshoes and kicksled lay in wait for the first big snowfall.  Until then, my nose will be pressed against the window and my eyes will be watching the sky for those snowflakes to begin to fall; creating my annual winter wonderland. 


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