Thursday, January 21, 2016

I love when I experience a 'natural' event for the first time and learn something new.  This happened while on a stop made at Twin Lakes during a day trip a few years ago.

We stopped to stretch our legs and have some lunch.  The picnic table we chose to sit at was close to the shore.  I glanced toward the water and noticed a number of butterflies on the sand.  The day was bright and sunny so I thought they were sunning themselves.  Later, I found out that they were 'puddling'. 

They were sipping the water, taking in the salt and minerals from the soil.  I read that most times it is the male butterflies that do this.  They transfer the nutrients to the females to improve the viability of the females eggs.  Who knew??

A 'puddling area' can be built in the backyard to encourage butterflies to visit.  Choose an area in the garden that is close to the flowers that they like.  Use a shallow container like a tray that would be used under a flower pot.  Fill the container with sand and place a few flat rocks in it for landing spots.  Keep the sand moist with water from a rain barrel.  The butterflies will eventually come.  Just sit back and observe.

I think I'll try this little project this summer.  The beebalm is a magnet for butterflies.  They may appreciate a resting spot.

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