Friday, November 18, 2016

It's Friday; the first day of my weekend and 'post day'! I'm still waiting impatiently for snow. There has only been a little sprinkling of it that melted the next day. It's November 18. I should have my x-country skis and snowshoes out. My nose is pressed against the window every morning with the hope that snow fell overnight.

The birds have continued to be busy at the feeders; more frequently at one than the other as the deer come at night and empty the one in the middle of the yard. This morning when I went into the kitchen there were three blue jays and one hoary woodpecker at the feeder and a little downy woodpecker was waiting on the railing for a turn. They provided great entertainment while I had my morning coffee.

Before the cooler temperatures arrived, I hiked the Amisk Wuche trail at Elk Island National Park and the Beaver Hills Biodiversity trail. The day I was out there it was still +12C and the sun was shining.

I noticed the grass was turning green again. This made me pay particular attention to the colors that remained on the trail; the mossy green logs, the red berries and the yellow/orange leaves that still clung to the branches. 

I love walking and paying attention to the little things; the things that I cannot see or hear when I'm inside. There were ladybugs looking for a hiding spot and grouse standing like sentinels in the brown grass. There were hawks and crows flying and calling overhead. There were squirrels chattering in the treetops.
You don't need to live in a rural area to enjoy nature and all it has to offer. If you have a neighborhood park or trails in the river valley, take an hour to shut off the devices and tune out all the man made noise.

This is your challenge for the week. Turn on your senses and tune in to the sights and sounds of nature. You will come back rejuvenated. Tell me about your favorite place to walk.

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