Friday, December 2, 2016

It's Friday which means it's post day! Clouds covered the sun and fog settled in almost every night this week. Everything is coated in hoar frost; grasses, leaves, twigs, branches, trees. You name it and it's covered in icy crystals.
On the way to work I came across a beautiful scene; a huge buck foraging for food along the edge of the woods. His brown coat stood out against the frosty landscape. I got out of my vehicle for a better look. There wasn't a soul around; just me this beauty. What a wonderful experience. It was short-lived. The buck got scared off by a vehicle speeding by me.

I have a doe and her two young ones coming into my yard every day. They have been doing a great job of emptying my bird feeders. There hasn't been any tree pruning but I could tell where they rested in the yard. The frost on the grass was melted where the three of them lay down.

I found the young ones walking up my driveway one evening when I was getting home from work. Their eyes reflected in my headlights. They finished raiding my feeders and were headed across the road into my neighbor's yard. It was an easy jump to get over the fence.

I went out this morning to admire the hoar frost and heard a pileated woodpecker. When I realized how close it was, he realized how close I was and flew to the treetops at the back of my yard. I love watching those beautiful, 'prehistoric-looking' birds!

The chickadees, nuthatches, bluejays, hoary and downy woodpeckers have been in a feeding frenzy all week. They must know that temperature is supposed to dip.

I have an extra day off this week so will be heading to the trails for some much needed outdoor time. If the forecast is correct for next week, it is going to be a chilly one. That doesn't deter me from being outside. I have warm boots that are good to -40C and fleece-lined pants. I dress in layers; including my mittens. A warm pair of gloves under the mittens is a must when a camera is involved. When the trails begin to get a bit slippery, I put a pair of hiking cleats on my boots so I can walk sure-footed.

Don't let winter's cold keep you from being outside. With the proper clothing to keep you comfortable there is nothing like a walk in the frosty air to clear your lungs and your head. If you are on a trail, stop and listen. If there are no man made sounds, you will hear that the sounds of nature are amplified in the cold. There is crackling, crunching and bird calls. Try it. You might like. I do. Until next Friday, happy trails to you.

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