Sunday, May 14, 2017

I love being on the trail in the early morning. Dew drops glisten in the sun. Bird calls reverberate through the trees. Waterfowl and beavers are active in the pond. Most early morning walks result in seeing a moose, deer or hare on the trail.

I was able to get out early on three days this week to stake out the 'swan pond'. The swan couple have been nesting but were out for swims on all three mornings. I can't wait for their eggs to hatch. The nest is in a position that is great for viewing.

I found a moose on the trail as I rounded a bend. It took off running but we crossed paths once more later on in the hike.

I can make a 4km hike out of the 2km trail by doubling back and returning the same way that I entered. Most times I see things that I didn't see on the first time through. 

This week I came across a large spruce tree that the pileated woodpeckers are feasting on. They have created some very deep holes in the trunk where the spruce sap is oozing from beneath the bark. The morning sun reflected off the sap, creating a sparkling diamond effect from the tree. It was beautiful and so was the smell of the sap.

The swallows have returned to the Strathcona Wilderness Centre. They are busy gathering items for nests so there is a lot of swooping and diving going on. All the birdhouses at the end of the driveway are now occupied as are the large pipes that make up the gate. The swallows are nesting inside the ends of the pipes.

Things are really beginning to green up. The pussy willows are almost bloomed out and the leaf buds are popping open. The wildflowers are opening. I came across tiny purple violets on the trails and marsh marigolds in a marshy area that should be open in full color within the next week.

This morning's rain freshened everything up. It smelled so good when I opened the back door. The blackbirds were calling and the chickadees were singing. All of this 'spring' action on the trails and in my backyard is making me long for camping season.

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