Saturday, June 24, 2017

Between the wind howling and the rain falling, I didn't get outside much this week but when I did it was eventful.

The ruby throated hummingbird that visits the yard regularly put on a little show for me. It parked itself at the top of a garden stake used to support my scarlet runner beans. It sat there looking as if it was waiting for those those beans to grow and flower so it could enjoy the red blossoms that will open.

There are a couple of families of Baltimore orioles that sing from the tree tops. Their song can be heard through the neighborhood. They have chosen a tree that is favored by the robins so there has been a few tussles between the orioles and robins. 

The bees have been active on the backyard bushes/plants that are in bloom. I've lived in the same place for 15 years and each year I've tried to get rid of plant that grew from under the fence. This year I thought 'why fight it' and let it grow. The plant is now about 4 feet tall and covered in blossoms. The blossoms in turn are filled with bees! It is the most entertaining spot in the yard.

I looked up the type of plant it is and found it to be comfrey which is also a medicinal plant. I won't be using it for medicine but watching the bees can be therapeutic. 

I made one trip to the swan pond and managed to come back with some blood left in me. The mosquitoes got the rest. The cygnets are growing and feeding with their parents. What fun it is to park myself on the look out bench and watch their interactions. Both mom/dad are actively involved in the 'child rearing'.

The perennials are blooming. The garden is growing. There is an abundance of birds in the yard. There was also a deer and a porcupine. 

The deer headed straight to the garden. Luckily I was on the deck and saw this. I put out the motion sensor sprinkler immediately to keep the critters out of the garden. 

The porcupine was using my yard as a short cut to get to the forest. I was putting netting over the berry patch and saw movement a short distance away. Thinking it was a cat headed to the garden beds, I was ready to shoo it away. It was rather surprising to see a porcupine bee-lining it through the yard. He was startled by the sprinkler and moved a bit quicker to get where he was going.

I love my yard. There is lots of action for me to watch when I can't get out to the trails. I hope you have the opportunity to do the same in your yard. 

Happy trails!

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