Friday, July 7, 2017

I just got back from the first camping trip of the summer and it was great! Not a drop of rain. No hail storm. No gusting wind. The weather was perfect. 

The only downfall was that I couldn't take my kayak. I couldn't outfit the vehicle that I rented to make it kayak friendly for travel. It was however very friendly for the perfect pack; everything inside with nothing blocking the windows.

I got to the lake and there wasn't a site to be found by the lake so I headed up to loop 3 to check if anyone was in my favorite site. It was empty and I claimed it! I love it because it is the furthest from the highway and there are no sites next to it. It's at the end of the loop and close to the outhouses; which is a bonus. 

It took 30 minutes to have camp set up and coffee on. The new tent worked out great. I can stand up in this one instead of trying to shimmy into a pair of pants while slouched over. What a treat! I tried out a few new things in addition to the tent.

The solar lamp was perfect. It hung from the center point of the tent. Three settings allow it to be dim, bright or a strobe if you happen to be in the backcountry and need to get someone's attention.

I also tried some foam mat blocks on the floor of the tent. This was a HUGE plus! No rocks underfoot and easy clean up before taking the tent down. It was so much easier to sweep the foam mat than the floor of the tent.

I went for drive yesterday in search of some wildlife. I did see a couple of deer but it was the view coming from the ditches that caught my attention. There were wildflowers everywhere and every color of the rainbow. What a beautiful sight.

I stopped at Landslide Lake. I do that once a year to see how much it changes from visit to visit. A prescribed burn was done there in 2009. There are still burnt snags standing amidst the lush new growth. The interpretive trail is almost grown in. New trees, tall grasses and wildflowers galore make up the under story. Birds are numerous and provided the entertainment with their songs on my hike.

Back at Fish Lake the loons called and put on a show for me when I walked down to the lake shore. A blue heron flew overhead. An osprey dove into the water and came out with a fish bigger than any fish that I've pulled out of that lake. While I watched the birds in action, the dragonflies swooped to catch mosquitoes. I saw the biggest dragonfly ever. It's beautiful green body shimmered in the sunlight. 

What a fantastic couple of days away. Can't wait for the next time. Happy trails.

(Check out outdoor_rambler on Instagram for more photos!)

Ready to hit the road for the first camping trip of the season.

30 minutes and camp is all set up.

Fish Lake (Shunda)
Indian paintbrush blooming in the ditches.

Landslide Lake
This loon put on a show for me.

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