There were a few eventful drives to work this week. A skunk scampered across the road in front of me. A spotted fawn grazed in the ditch until I got close and then scaled the barbed wire fence in one giant leap. The elk grazed in a hay field until the hay was cut.
At my favorite hiking trail, the swans have been active on the pond;
sadly without little ones. The Eastern kingbirds have been bullying the
warblers and sparrows. The woodpeckers were searching for grubs under
the rotten bark on fallen trees. Hawks soared overhead.
The yard was full of action as well. Bumblebees the size of a hummingbird buzzed from flower to flower. Dragonflies swooped in their quest for a mosquito lunch. The hummingbirds, at least four of them, have been vigorously feeding at the sugar-water feeder.
These creatures have provided me with much entertainment. They were everywhere but I have to start looking down. On my last trip to the trail for a quick walk, I gawked around in every direction but down. At the last minute my eyes caught a hint of movement in time to see a two foot long garter snake curled up right where my foot was going to be placed. Eeeeek! I don't mind snakes but the thought that I just about placed my foot on it still gives me the shivers. I need another set of eyes.
The yard was full of action as well. Bumblebees the size of a hummingbird buzzed from flower to flower. Dragonflies swooped in their quest for a mosquito lunch. The hummingbirds, at least four of them, have been vigorously feeding at the sugar-water feeder.
These creatures have provided me with much entertainment. They were everywhere but I have to start looking down. On my last trip to the trail for a quick walk, I gawked around in every direction but down. At the last minute my eyes caught a hint of movement in time to see a two foot long garter snake curled up right where my foot was going to be placed. Eeeeek! I don't mind snakes but the thought that I just about placed my foot on it still gives me the shivers. I need another set of eyes.
Female ruby throated hummingbird |
Hairy woodpecker |
Eastern kingbird |
Trumpeter swan |
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