Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Almost a year to the day, I lost a good friend after cancer stole his life.  He had to expend the last bit of his energy battling for his life in a hospital bed instead of chasing his golf ball.  I found out last night that another acquaintance of mine lost her battle 364 days later.  She was able to see one of her daughters get married this past summer but won't get to see her second daughter marry or spend time with grandchildren.  She would have been a wonderful grandma.  Why is it that people can be sent into outer space for months on end but there is still no cure for cancer?  It continues to silently steal lives.

I had some extra time this morning before leaving for the city.  I could have spent it doing chores around the house but decided to head outside.  

The sound of the forest and a brisk walk in the fresh air is what I needed.  When I got to the trail, the clouds parted and the sun's rays shone through.  It brightened a grey day.

The snow glistened and crunched underfoot.  I heard the blue jays and the chickadees in the tree tops.  Animal tracks in the snow on the pond surfaces, looked like roads on a map.  Those simple things give me such pleasure.

Hiking the trails allows me the time to clear my head.  Today I contemplated what was important.  Spend time doing things that have meaning; things that make a difference.  Spend quality time with loved ones where you are unplugged from technology. Give them your undivided attention even if it's only for a short time. Spend time doing things that make you happy.  Don't waste your energy on things that you cannot change.  Make the most of each day because you never know if it will be your last.

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