Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I finished cleaning off the last bit of snow on my driveway as the lady across the road from me was headed out for a walk with her dog.  Looking at what she wore on her feet and the layer of ice on the road, I did mention that her walk was going to be treacherous.  "He wants to go so we're going." she replied.  I wasn't even finished mulling over who actually ran that household when I looked up to see her carrying 'King Buster', wrapped in a blanket, back to his palace.  "It's very icy." was her reply after her two minute outing.  No kidding.  It probably took her longer to get dressed to go outside. 

After shoveling paths to the bird feeders and the wood shed, I took in the beauty of the snow that fell.  The evergreens were bending under the weight of the snow.  The little shrubs that lost their leaves were now holding layers of snow in each crook on their bare branches.  Each stump and fence post wore a white cap.  The air was crisp and refreshing.  Everything was still and silent; the perfect morning.

Heading back to the house, I noticed that the birds left their marks in the snow as they waited for the chance to fly up to the feeders for seeds.  I could see the full imprint of their wings and foot prints in the fluffy ground cover.  

There was a flurry of activity at each feeding site. I refilled the feeders.  I put a cup of food outside for the cat that has taken up residence under my garden shed.  I'm determined to win him over.  He still won't let me pet him, but he doesn't hesitate to come close when I have a bonfire and have food in my hand; such is the power of a roasted weinie.

Back inside, as I enjoyed a steaming coffee at the kitchen table, some large fluffy snowflakes started falling lazily to the ground.  Birds came from every direction to each feeder.  I could see chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers, bluejays and magpies.  The magpies were not fighting over the peanuts in the tray.  They were fighting over the catfood.  There were at least 6 of them stealing food.  If 'Spike' didn't hurry up and get there, the food dish was going to be empty and one of those magpies would likely end up being his lunch.

Friday is going to be an outside day.  I want to head to the trails for the first snowshoe adventure of the season.  Can't wait.

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