Saturday, March 22, 2014

Just when I've said that the five amigos are no longer coming into the yard, they show up.  They are all looking filled out and healthy with shiny, sleek coats.  It was fun watching as all five attempted to eat from the grain tub at the same time.  There was actual turn-taking happening; no fighting or stomping on each other.

The snow has melted down to the ground around the hanging bird feeders so only the mamas were able to reach the seeds.  The little ones tried but soon gave up and ate the fallen seeds off the
ground.  One remembered that there is usually food in the tray feeder and came to investigate.  There were no seeds; only grain.  It must prefer the seeds because it only took a couple mouthfuls of grain.

I didn't see the odd couple today.  The five others showed up twice.  When they left the yard, I watched as they made their way through the forest.  The snow has melted down a lot there as well; making it easier for them to travel.

I drove to and through Elk Island Park just to see if any wildlife was out but came home empty handed.  There was more action in my backyard.

The snow is almost gone from the tops of the raised garden beds.  The rocks that border my gravel paths are showing through the snow.  The gravel on the paths is bare.  There is no snow left on my deck.

As I sat at the kitchen table watching the deer and the birds, I flipped through the pages of a Birds and Blooms magazine.  I have to admit that it did make me daydream about having no snow and lots of colorful blooms in the yard.  If the deer continue to visit, daydreaming about flowers may be the only thing I am able to do.

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