Friday, March 28, 2014

The clouds disappeared and the sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky.  I went out early to refill the feeders and heard a chorus of black capped chickadees.  There were no other sounds; only the sweet 'cheeseburger' songs in the forest.

I visited Elk Island National Park this afternoon.  There were only a couple of bison and one lonely coyote visible.  Nobody had visited the Amisk Wuche Trail since it snowed.  The only tracks I saw were those of a number of forest animals; coyotes, rabbits/hares, mice and squirrels.  The fresh snow covered some very icy patches.  I had to use my camera monopod as a hiking pole.  My cleats wouldn't grab into the ice so it was challenging to hike downhill.

I stood for a few moments in my favorite spot on the trail; the one where tall evergreens tower over it.  They create a canopy over the trail that prevents the snow from building up.  As I stood under the branches, the forest whispered sweet nothings.  By nothings, I mean no sound; the sweet sound of silence.  It was wonderful.

I got home and found that the deer had visited while I was gone.  I refilled the tub with hopes that they would come back soon.  The chickadees had been very busy.  They were joined by starlings today; the first I've seen since last fall.  They were feeding on the remaining suet.

It looks like there are going to be a couple days of snow ahead but then it is supposed to warm up nicely.  If that actually happens, it will be perfect timing for spring break.

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