Thursday, May 29, 2014

When I got home from work, I dumped out the rain gauge.  There was another 30mm of water in it.  That totaled 60mm over 3 days.  The rain stopped for awhile and the sun tried to peek through
this afternoon.  I hope it shows itself tomorrow.  My lawn is so tall that I will have to go over it at least a couple of times to get it mowed to the proper height.  The dandelions are twice as tall as the grass.  I need a bear to keep them trimmed!

The weeds are taking over the garden beds and the strawberry patch.  I need to spread out some shavings under the berry plants to keep the weeds down and the berries clean.  There are three bags of pine shavings sitting in the garage, waiting for me.  It is going to take an entire day to get the yard back to normal.

The flowers that were planted in containers are growing over the edges.  There's nothing like rain to get them going.  

I'm looking forward to next week.  I ordered a bridge for the dry creek bed that I created.  The bridge was being custom made and it's being picked up next week.  It will be the finishing touch to my nature-scaped front yard.

I took stock of all the ornamental grasses and shrubs that I planted last year.  Some were slow to come up but every one of them survived the winter.  Awesome!


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