Sunday, February 7, 2016

I gave up trying to post after the power flickered off for the third time last night.  This is year 14 of living where I do and I have never experienced wind gusts like those happening yesterday.  I was expecting my siding and shingles to be in the bush behind my house.

This morning I had to push the back door open.  The wind knocked over the broom and snow shovel in front of the door.  The covered stand that holds my firewood on the deck was blown over.  The little deck table was moved over about three feet.  The birds seed from the tray feeder was spread all over the deck.

When I finally made it down the steps, I inspected the rest of the yard.  The wind pruned branches from the willows next door.  They are now
on the ground in my yard.  There are numerous branches in my eave troughs.  The dead poplar in the neighbor's yard is minus some branches.  Some of them were on my deck and some are still on my roof.  That was most likely the cause of the power flickers last night.  The line runs right beside that tree.

I went out yesterday morning only to feed the birds and the cat.  The wind howled the entire day and part of the evening so I spent the day reading garden magazines, watching the birds try to make it to the feeder and setting myself up on ebird to begin participating on backyard bird counts. 

The weather reports said that the gusts here were over 90kmph.  I can't imagine what it is like for those living in areas where gusts such as these are common. 

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