It is February 26 and +13C outside. There is not a cloud in the sky. The sun is shining brightly. There is something wrong with this picture.
I'm not complaining about the sunshine; especially after my last day off from work being on Feb 17. I've missed more than a week of outdoor time. I set my lawn chair on the back deck, grabbed a coffee and a book and enjoyed the warmth for about an hour.
It felt good to spend some time outside again even if it was on the deck. I put my head back and closed my eyes. Water dripped off the roof tops from snow that was melting. I could hear the chickadees land and chirp in the feeder beside me. The train whistle echoed from the crossing at the other end of the lake. When I opened my eyes, there was a surprise in the yard.
My deer friends came for a daytime visit. They too were out enjoying the sunshine. Seven of them filed into the yard. I stood up to watch. They didn't mind my presence and continued their trek through what little snow is left.
I put my boots on and took a tour of the yard. A patch of garden soil was showing. Leaf lettuce was growing! What is happening? Who has leaf lettuce growing in central Alberta on February 26? Can stranger things happen?
I'm not going to ponder this now. I'm going to enjoy the rest of afternoon in the fresh air.
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