Thursday, May 12, 2016

I got lost today. Not in the sense that I didn't know where I was but lost in the sights, sounds and smells of the early morning at Astotin Lake. 

On the drive to Elk Island Park at 7:15am, the sun's rays shone through the clouds creating a heavenly scene. It was -3C and it called for gloves to be worn to keep the shutter-button finger warm.

My first stop was the beach area at Astotin Lake to see if the avocets were there. I watched in awe as seven of them searched for food along the shore. What an amazing sight.

I walked south to the Living Waters Boardwalk. The birds were calling in the distance. I saw a great blue heron fly over the lake and land on a reedy shore. 

There were a couple of large white birds across from me but too far away to see without the binoculars. I was quite excited after finding out that they were pelicans. I was happy to see them from afar but even happier when more than 20 flew in my direction. 

Two grebes were feeding just off the boardwalk. One dipped its head beneath the water and came up with a green minnow net. It swam around with it for a few minutes before dropping it back into the water. What a strange sight.

The coots were putting on quite the show; running across the top of the water.

After watching the birds in action for an hour, I made my way to the Lakeview Trail. The hike was beautiful. A breeze began to blow and with it came a smokey haze; the after effect of the Fort McMurray wildfire.

The sun was shining and the temperature was just right for hiking. It was the first day in almost two weeks that I've been able to spend time on the trails so I took full advantage of it by driving to the Amisk Wuche Trail and hiking that trail as well.

Two beautiful hawks were perched on a snag. They flew up as I came near. The geese and ducks called from the pond. I heard a muskrat munching some green reeds beside the boardwalk.

The violets, wild clematis and marsh marigolds are in full bloom. The leaves on the shrubs and trees are now open. It's difficult to see the deer and moose amidst the trees because the trails are now walled by the greenery.

6.3kms of trails and the lakeshore were explored today. I came back feeling rejuvenated. My back was rested and my head was clear.

I was so immersed in my surroundings that I didn't realize that I had spent 5 hours at the park. What a treat.

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