Saturday, May 14, 2016

I knew the day was off to a great start when I saw a male white tail deer just a few kilometers from home. The warm morning light shone around him. He stopped to watch as I watched him. What a beauty.

That was just the beginning to a wonderful day of animal and bird watching. There were another 3 deer between this guy and the park gate. A coyote raced across the parkway. The bison grazed in the distance. Muskrats perched on logs in the water were eating the tender young shoots that they collected.

The abundance of waterfowl and shorebirds is a birdwatcher's dream. I'm not experienced with telling different species apart but I do love watching their antics as they go about their business.

I particularly like the shorebirds. They dip their beaks into the water in search of food. They balance on one leg. They are very vocal when you happen to come across them. I've been scolded many times by those little creatures; not knowing that they were even there as they blended into their surroundings.

 More photos and video at:

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