Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I got lost in the forest today. Not literally but in the sights, sounds and smells.

I spent almost 4 glorious hours on the trails today. I hadn't been to the Strathcona Wilderness Centre lately so that was my destination of choice this morning. What a great choice it was.

The hike was peaceful and I got to enjoy the beginning changes that signal that fall is on its way.
The cat tails in the pond at the end of the driveway were waving goodby to summer as they swayed in the breeze. The rose bushes that border the trail alongside the pond have turned a beautiful wine color. The rose hips are now a brilliant red.

It had rained last night. The earth was wet and the leaves that are creating the autumn carpet held water droplets that sparkled in the morning light.

I could smell the ripe berries and the wet, decaying wood. Birds sang in the treetops and ducks called from the pond. The woodpeckers were out and the robins were searching for earthworms. Many of the birds were feeding on the pin cherries and the saskatoons. 

I'm so excited that the temperature is finally one that I can tolerate which means more trail time!

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