Friday, April 27, 2018

The snow has been around for so long that it felt like I was forgetting something when I didn't have to hike with snowshoes this week.

There are still patches of snow in shaded areas on the trail but all signs point toward spring finally being here. It was a great week to be outside.

Have you ever witnessed a black capped chickadee preparing a nest? I did. I was under the impression that they built nests with twigs and such in evergreen trees where they like to hang out. I found out that is not the case.

I was in my favorite section of the woods when I saw two chickadees in a birch tree. One had started a hole in the bark and was pecking out bits of wood. The hole was almost large enough for a bird to get into which made me think that it was going to be a nest. 

When I got home I got the bird book out and sure enough, the chickadees excavate holes in trees and once the hole is large enough, they begin dropping the bits that they peck inside the hole to make it soft for the eggs. This was a first for me!

The spring migration has started in earnest. Swans and sandhill cranes flew over today. It was difficult to get my yard work done when I was constantly watching the dance that the cranes were doing in the sky.

In between visits to the trail, I managed to get the garden beds prepared, ornamental grasses cut down, lawn furniture uncovered and a lot of yard clean up done. I'm looking forward to the first bonfire of the season and am hoping that it will be this weekend! I can smell it already.

If you didn't get out much through the winter, there is no excuse now. Start with a little jaunt around the neighborhood to see what signs of spring you can find. Enjoy!

Nest excavation

The chickadee dropped the bits of wood that it excavated.

Back inside for more.

A lovely heart-shaped entrance to the nest.

Spring migration - Swans

Spring migration - Sandhill cranes

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