Saturday, May 5, 2018

The ponds along the roadsides are filled with waterfowl. This week I've seen pairs of mallards, buffleheads, green-winged teals and northern shovelers.

The ponds at the Beaver Hills Biodiversity trail are filled with waterfowl as well. I keep checking to see if the trumpeter swans have returned but so far they have not appeared. I've watched them raise families for the past two summers. They were back the last week of April in 2017 but no sign of them yet. There were still flocks of migrating birds overhead this week so perhaps they will still show up.

The ponds are also filled with active beaver colonies. What fun it is to sneak up on them and watch as they go about their business of chewing, chewing and more chewing. When they get tired of that, there's a bit of mud lodge/dam repair and then more chewing. There were four adult sized beavers out at the same time during one visit. That was a treat to see them interact and go about their daily routines.

The most out of the ordinary find this week was a red-necked grebe. It was out of the ordinary because it was not in the water. The grebe was on the trail; not even close to the edge of the water. It was on a hill, overlooking the pond. 

At first I thought it was injured but it looked okay as I approached. It began its warning call and it fluffed up the feathers on its head to look bigger. I passed by and continued on my way. It was gone when I returned. I guess it wanted to take in the view as I do each time I reach the crest of the hill.

With the arrival of spring, there are so many opportunities to spend time outside. Walk through your neighborhood and observe how many different species of birds there are. Go for a color or a texture walk before the trees leaf out. You'll see colorful lichens on the tree trunks and many textures of bark. Watch for animal tracks; especially in the wet areas. Listen to the bird calls.

Spring affords us the opportunity for rejuvenation so spend some time outside with the sights, sounds and smells of a new season; before the mosquitoes arrive.

Red-necked grebe

3 of 4 beavers at the pond

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