Saturday, April 6, 2013

Slow Down People!

I've seen the same young moose for the past 3 days.  It was slowly making it's way in the direction of my home.  I first spotted it within the fence that surrounds a garbage dump which is about 5 miles away.  It was nibbling the young willows along the fence line.  It must have escaped when the gate was open through the day.

Each time since, it has appeared a range road closer to my turn off.  I could tell it was same moose from the bare patches of skin showing where the hair was rubbed off to try and rid itself from ticks.

Today it stood atop the snowbank alongside the road that I was traveling on.  I noticed it before I got close.  The driver behind me didn't and was not impressed when I slowed down.  He pulled out and passed me but hit the brakes hard as soon as the moose stepped closer to the edge of the road.

I've lived in this wilderness area for almost 11 years and continue to watch for movement in the ditches or the light reflecting off of wild eyes in the night.  It just makes me shake my head in disgust when I see drivers treat the back roads as a major highway.  The speed limit is what it is for a reason.  They will probably realize that too late.  I just hope my moose friend does not end up in someone's windshield or laying in the ditch being scavenged like the deer that I saw today.

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