I spent part of the day in my yard; checking out areas that were now free of snow. I spread the snow around in the other areas. It was great to be able to work in the yard. I got the urge to go plant shopping for perennials so made a quick trip to the greenhouse.
The staff there had many new plants out already and I found several that I wanted to add to my yard. Rather than taking the chance that the plants would still be there in a month, I decided to make the purchase today and look after them in the house until they could be planted. Exciting!
This evening I went for a drive to Elk Island Park. The wildlife did not disappoint me. On the way to the park entrance I saw 2 moose, numerous bison, numerous elk and one deer. As I drove north on the parkway I noticed that much of the snow has melted and the ice is breaking up on the ponds along the road.
Some movement caught my eye. I pulled over and noticed a beaver gnawing on some branches. I remembered to bring along my binoculars so I enjoyed the show that it was putting on. There were a number of them swimming in the water that was open. It was fun to watch them come out from under the ice. I could hear them try to break through where it was still frozen.
I continued my drive and noticed beavers on top of the ice in numerous other ponds along the roadside. The sunlight was reflecting off their wet fur; making them easy to see in the distance.
The 2 resident bison at the beach area of Astotin Lake were grazing on the green grass that was showing through in the open areas. The geese have paired up and were enjoying the open water in the ditches. The lake ice has not broken up yet.
It is hard to believe that so few people visit the park. Most evenings that I go for a drive, I meet up with only one or two vehicles. Tonight was no different.

The best find of the night was a young moose. It was on the road as well. I slowed, hoping that it would not bolt into the bush. It did move to the side of the road but stayed there while I pulled up and stopped.
It posed for me until a vehicle came from the opposite direction and scared it off. Each moose that I've seen in the park has had been tick-ridden. The poor things have large bare spots where they have lost their hair.
I needed the outside day today. Work has kept me inside for the past week. I have another two busy weeks before my life becomes normal again. My busy event season at work is almost over and I am looking forward to hiking the trails on a regular basis. Spring is finally here and I am going to enjoy it.
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