Sunday, June 16, 2013

Mosquito Magnet

The rain just keeps falling.  Water is standing in the yard and the raindrops keep coming.  I was hoping to finish my front yard sooner than later but the weather has not been cooperating.

Since I couldn't work in the yard, I put on the rubber boots and ventured over to the Cooking Lake - Blackfoot Recreation Area.  There was just as much mud and water there; maybe more.

There were only two other vehicles in the parking lot; a couple of guys suiting up to take their bikes on the trail.  They were in the lot when I got back and they looked like they had found every mud hole that they possibly could have.  The mud was dripping off the wheels of one bike.

Once they passed me, I was the only one on the loop around Neon Lake.  The birds were singing and the rain was falling.  I could here it gently hitting the leaves.  It made for some great picture taking between showers.

The greens were brilliant.  The wildflowers were in bloom.  This week the honeysuckle was open and the butterflies were everywhere.  The beautiful Canadian Tiger Swallowtails were enjoying the honeysuckle buffet.

The only other insects that were over abundant were the mosquitoes.  I had to apply insect repellant more than once.  I was getting bites on top of bites.  This is one of my favorite reasons for loving winter; no mosquitoes to worry about.

Today was the first day that I noticed the wild rose blossoms.  Their burst of bright pink amidst the green leaves made for a pleasing sight.  The smell of roses filled the air.

It was the perfect day to visit the trails.  The mud in the yard will take days to dry up when it stops raining so I'm hoping to be able to head out once again tomorrow.  

The rain makes the air smell fresh and the colors look brighter.  Unfortunately it also contributes to those pesky, buzzing, blood-sucking mosquitoes that are finding their way into my house.  I got home and was getting ready to light the wood stove.  I opened the door and a swarm of them came out of the stove.  They must have been in there for awhile because my hands were like magnets attracting those little 'buggers'. 


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