Well, it has been quite the day. The last 1.5 hours of my shift at work was spent listening to news reports and staying on the alert to implement 'in place sheltering'.
At about 2:30pm a tornado warning was issued. The sky was filled with churning dark clouds. The rain and hail came down in sheets. The areas that got hit the worst were to the west of the facility. When the warning ended, I left for home.
It rained during the entire drive. I checked the rain gauge on my way up the back step. There was already 2cms of rain from when I left this morning and it was still going hard. At the back door, a small drift of hailstones was left. I could tell it came down hard. There were little craters left in the soft soil that I used to fill my garden beds.
I waited for the lightning to let up before going out to survey the damage. The rain was not letting up. There were already 3 full rain barrels and the 4th was overflowing; creating a lake at the corner of my house. I had to pump the water from the barrel to the dry creek bed that I created in the front yard. A hose is now attached to the spigot so it will self drain overnight.
At 7pm this evening there was almost 3cms of rain and it was still raining. Water was standing everywhere. It was no longer being absorbed. Each of the bowls that I created around the new plants in the front yard were filled with water.
At 10pm it finally stopped raining. The difference in pavement temperature and air temperature was creating a fog to rise from the road surface. I checked the water barrel and it was draining nicely. I don't think I'll need to access the water in the other 3 for quite awhile.
The backyard was under water as well. I took a few photos so I could remember where the low spots were. I'll either put some plants in that will love the moisture in those areas or build it up so the water will drain away.
I hunkered down this evening in front of the wood stove after I checked the forecast. There is more rain to come so I figured that if I was going to 'float away' this evening, I may as well be cozy doing it. Who's got an ark?
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