Everything is green! I walked my favorite snowshoe trail for the first time since the snow melted. The forest is thick and green and luscious. The smells are wonderful. I wish that I could have enjoyed the smells more but each big breath resulted in mosquitoes up my nose. There were swarms of them everywhere! They were immune to Deep Woods OFF and Muskol. I had to apply bug repellant twice during the excursion. There were so many of them that I couldn't keep them out of my photographs.
Walking the Amisk Wuche Trail when the underbrush and trees are all leafy is definitely a different experience from winter when I snowshoe it. The forest is so thick that you cannot see beyond the edges of the trail.
The birds were very vocal last night. There were many flitting from tree top to tree top. We listened and tried to determine where they were hiding but without binoculars, it was a lost cause.
The waterfowl and shorebirds were calling as well but each time that we tried to sneak up on them to get a photo, they would swim in the opposite direction or fly away.
Along the shores of the ponds, the dragonflies and damsel flies were busy. By the end of the summer they may be the size of a bird if they continue feeding at the mosquito buffet.
I'm off work for a week and am nature-scaping my yard but I'm going to try for another nature-escape to give myself a break from my wheelbarrow and that big pile of gravel on my driveway.
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