Monday, June 23, 2014

My binoculars were busy this evening.  The spontaneous trip to Elk Island National Park netted views of the many waterfowl babies that have hatched recently.  Every pond that I passed by had new families swimming in it.  Some of the mamas had up to 10 little ones trailing behind them.

Ravens swooped in and out of the willow thickets.  The red-winged blackbirds were trying to fight them off.  I guessed that the ravens were raiding the blackbird nests.

Some of the goslings that I've been watching for a few weeks are already half the size of their parents.  Many were grazing in the green grass that lined the ditch.

The park staff have slowed down the beavers.  The recently installed cage in the largest beaver pond is preventing the construction of a new lodge that would plug up the culvert.  I saw only one swimming beaver.

The best sighting this evening was that of a common snipe.  As I watched the duck families, I scanned the shoreline and saw a snipe sunning itself in muddy area.  It sat perfectly still as I approached.  I managed to snap a couple photos before it took flight.  Beautiful.

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