Monday, June 16, 2014

My outdoor time was split between Elk Island National Park and my backyard.  This morning I spent three peaceful hours exploring the ponds along the parkway and hiking the Beaver Pond Trail.  I hadn't been to that trail since all the ice and snow melted.  

I'm usually the sole soul on the trail on a weekday but I met up with 4 other people enjoying a morning trek.  It was quiet and peaceful and an excellent way to spend my outdoor time.  The birds were singing in chorus.  I've never heard as many different calls as I did today.

The wild flowers are in bloom.  Honeysuckle, lungwort, vetch, marsh marigolds, Canada violets, bunch berry and wild strawberries were just a few along the trail.  My favorite wild prairie roses are beginning to bloom as well.  In a couple of weeks the aroma of the roses will be permeating the air.

I stopped at the Bison Loop Trail on the way out of the park.  There were a number of bison calves with their mamas.  Some were resting in the tall grass while others were feeding.  Their red coats were easy to see in the green grass.

One little fellow was close to the road.  He was not to far from his mama.  I stopped to take a couple of photos and he fully cooperated.  What a treat to see these little ones.

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