Wednesday, September 10, 2014

One of the highlights of living in a 'wilderness' area is the abundance of wildlife that I get to see while commuting to and from work.  During my thirty minute drive, I often see white tail deer, porcupines, skunks and moose. On one rare occasion I saw a large mink crossing the road in front of me.

The moose is my favorite animal.  I was fortunate to see a bull moose cooling off and feeding in a
pond along side the road.  I'm always on the look out for wildlife and my camera is never far from the front seat in case the opportunity arises for a photo.

The day was very hot and I noticed this big guy right in the middle of the water with the waterfowl.  He was in no hurry; taking his time drinking and feeding.  A red-winged blackbird sat on a cat tail close by.  I could hear the bird scolding the moose.  There was probably a nest close by.

I watched this beautiful animal for about ten minutes before he decided to exit the water and head to the closest willow stand for some tasty twigs.

Every now and again I'm able to capture a once in a lifetime photo.  This was one of those days.

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