Saturday, September 20, 2014

The drive to work is becoming more scenic each day.  This morning the sun was rising on my way in.  As it came over the treetops, its rays shone on the reds, oranges and yellows of Mother Nature's canvas. 

The colors were stunning.  The water in the pond was as smooth as glass.  The reflections were brilliant.  I had to stop and take in the beauty.

My favorite autumn colors are displayed on the chokecherry trees.  The reds 'pop' amidst the yellows and oranges of the aspens.

The weather is holding out as the first day of autumn approaches.  I noticed flocks of cranes flying overhead and Canada geese gathering in the fields.

I'm looking forward to an extra day off next week.  There's a big pile of wood waiting to be split which will take a day to complete.  This means that I'll still have two days left to get out and enjoy the beautiful sights, sounds and smells of autumn.

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