Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The temperature was supposed to get into the mid to high 20Cs so I decided to head outside early in the day.  The sun was just rising above the trees and its light was making the dew drops glisten. The sun shining through the moisture on the leaves and flowers was beauty at its finest.  

The bees were were just waking and moving slowly due to the cool air.  I watched as they began to stretch their legs.  They didn't have far to go for food as they had slept overnight on the flower petals.

The ninebark shrubs were full of ladybugs that were tucked into the grooves on the leaves.  Dew drops covered their shells.

The slugs were making their way through the sedum beds, leaving their slimy trails behind them.

The big orb-weaver spider was huddled under the rim of my wheelbarrow. It was still too early for it to be active.

Watching the insect world wake up this morning was an opportunity that I don't get very often so I took full advantage of it.




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