Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hold Onto Your Hat!

The wind howled all day today.  The gusts broke tree branches and took care of the last leaves that were clinging for life.  My dry creek bed in the front yard is full of leaves.

I don't like when it is windy so I did not go out to the trails today.  It was a good thing that I spent the entire day outside yesterday.  It made up for today.  After coming back from Elk Island, I grabbed a coffee and then visited the Strathcona Wilderness Center as well.

I like to visit the SWC after hours as much as possible; after the school groups leave and the sounds of the forest return.  There's a better chance of seeing wildlife and the natural sounds are much more relaxing to listen to at the day's end.  

The tall grasses provided most of the color along the trail.  They swayed in the gentle breeze; creating a rustling sound as I passed by.

There were only a few 'cling on' leaves, holding tightly to the branches.  I'm sure that after today's gusts, they have let go and become a part of the leaf carpet covering the trail.

I tried finding as many different colors as I could on the hike.  The green moss, the orange leaves on a rose bush and the bright red cranberry leaves provided hints of color amidst the brown backdrop.

I heard some twigs snapping and tried to determine where the sound was coming from.  Two big brown eyes peered at me between the bare tree trunks.  Mama moose was watching.  She posed for a couple photos and then returned to her browsing.

She was not the only moose that 
I saw last night.  I was almost home when two of them came out of the ditch and up onto the road in front of me.  I pulled over to watch.  One crossed to the other side onto a driveway.  The second was attempting to cross when a car came from the opposite direction.  The driver was paying attention so pulled over to watch as well.  It was a good thing that he did because both moose turned around and bolted back to the side that they came from.

I was feeling a little 'cooped' up today.  My outdoor time was limited to giving all my new shrubs and perennials a good soaking.  That was probably a good thing since there is no rain in the forecast.  Tomorrow will be spent picking up the branches that snapped off the willow tree next door.  As the winds howled this afternoon, I was imagining what Dorothy felt like in the Wizard of Oz.  I don't have a dog but was thinking that the neighbor's cat who has adopted my yard, would have to be a substitute.  



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