The day has been windy, cloudy and grey. There's a leaf drift on my deck. The trees behind my yard are now bare and brown. There is no autumn color left.
The squirrel and the blue jays are still working really hard to get food stored up before the snow starts falling. Last year on November 7, the snow came and didn't leave. I have a few things to take care of in the yard before that happens this year.
I got caught off guard with how early it snowed and got cold in 2012. The water barrels and garden houses didn't get drained. The containers that contained wave petunias did not get emptied and prepared for winter/Christmas arrangements. I've got that taken care of already but still have to trim down the grasses and give everything a deep watering.
It's a shame to cut the grasses down. They grew like weeds this year with all the rain that fell. I was extremely happy with how the landscaping choices turned out in the front yard.
In addition to the ornamental grasses, I planted a varying selection of nine barks. They were only about a foot tall when I put them into the ground and they now would be over five feet tall if I hadn't given them a little trimming.
I was very happy with my containers as well. The wave and supertunias added some bright color to the yard. They enticed the hummingbirds and butterflies to come and visit.
Soon the yard will be blanketed with snow. I'll be able to x-country ski and snowshoe when that happens. As I hit the trails, I'll be planning the 'next steps' for landscaping. I did have a lot of fun while I put last year's ideas into action and I had a real sense of satisfaction when I saw the number of creatures that came into the yard but for now, I need to give the plants a little TLC and put the yard to bed for the winter.
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