Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My Forest Friends

After two days of gusty winds, most of the trees are bare.  I hiked the trails at the Strathcona Wilderness Center this evening with the hopes of seeing some wildlife.  When the underbrush is covered with leaves, the deer and moose have a place to hide.  With the empty branches, I really wanted to see some forest friends.


I spent some time gazing at the beauty of the pond.  There was still some color on the trees that reflected in the water along with the reflection of the fluffy white clouds.  What a serene scene!

I started out on the Wagon Loop trail.  The carpet of leaves crunched under my shoes.  Blue jays were busy hiding food under the leaves.  Squirrels ran up and down the bare trees, nattering at me as I came by.  Dark eyed juncos flew through the underbrush looking for seeds.  A large owl swooped out of a tree top.  Once again I miss getting a photo!

My first bit of luck happened early on the hike.  A young hare was sitting amidst the leaf carpet.  It was still brown in color and showed no signs of turning color.  Looks like its not thinking of winter yet.  A moose was drinking at one of the sloughs.  It heard my noisy steps and ran off into the trees.

I kept watching for the owl.  As my eyes traveled up and down the tree trunks, scanning the branches for the elusive bird, I felt some eyes staring at me.  A couple of white tail deer were not far from me.  I hoped that they would stay put while I got the camera out.  Lucky for me, they did not run off until I got a few shots.  A raven flew over and scared them off.

I made my way back to the trail head at the pond.  The muskrats were busy swimming from shore to shore.  As they made their way through the water, they created v-shaped ripples on the surface.

The rose bushes alongside the pond are still holding onto their leaves.  The bright colors stand out against the bare tree trunks.

The evening was calm.  As I stood by the pond at the end of my hike, I could hear geese, chickadees, ravens, and bluejays.  It was peaceful, serene and the perfect way to end the day.


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