Friday, October 4, 2013

Simple Pleasures

I was awake at 3:30am this morning.  As I waited for the smell of the fresh brewed coffee to awaken my sense of smell, I glanced out the kitchen window.  The sky was cloudless and filled with twinkling stars.  The sight was breathtaking.

I live in a dark sky preserve area.  There are no streetlamps and residents within the area are encouraged to make wise choices in the types of lighting used on the exterior of their homes.  With the lack of artificial light, the sky is darker and the stars are brighter; as are the lunar eclipses!

I took my coffee out to the deck.  Good thing it was dark.  The neighbors couldn't see the crazy lady outside in her jammies and housecoat, staring at the heavens; wondering if there was life out there.  Added to the beauty was the crisp, fresh morning air.  What a way to start the day!

While I was out there, a couple of foxes were calling to each other.  The cows on the farm behind my house were mooing and a dog barked in the distance.  There was no human noise at that hour.

I've heard the foxes a few times now and have hoped that they would make their way into my yard.  A few years ago, I had one visit regularly.  It provided some great entertainment as did a number of skunks that took up residence under my cottage.

I enjoyed watching the skunk antics when the cats would torment them but I could have done without the final, very smelly result.  At one point in time, I had to contact the local agriculture department for a trap.  Seven skunks later, my yard was perfume free.  

I've had an animal menagerie in my yard over the years.  Foxes, skunks, porcupines, moose, deer, garter snakes, tiger salamanders and frogs.  In addition to the animals, there have been a variety of birds that have frequented my feeders.  Blue jays, pileated, downy and hoary woodpeckers, magpies, starlings, nuthatches, chickadees, finches, grosbeaks, and hummingbirds to name a few.

Who needs a television when there is so much natural entertainment to take in.  I lead a simple life; taking in the beauty around me.  I observe the simplicity of a mature dandelion flower; each little seed waiting to catch a breeze to be transported to a perfect spot to sprout.  I pay attention to the sound of the rustling grasses in the wind and the pattern of flight that the butterflies create as they visit each flower.  I marvel at the way the raindrops cling to the strawberry leaves and reflect the bright morning sunshine on a summer day.  Nothing compares to the feeling one has when a hummingbird hovers right in front of your face or when a chickadee lands on your hand to feed on some sunflower seeds.

There is so much to see, to hear, to feel, to explore.  Take a moment to notice and truly experience the little things.  Simplify.  You might like it.


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