Sunday, November 30, 2014

The loud rat-a-tat-tatting coming from my deck could be heard at the opposite end of the house.  The frigid temperature outside froze the suet into an icy block and the pileated woodpecker was giving it his all to work the peanuts free.

Ever since he found the peanut bell and the suet on my deck in a tray feeder, he's been visiting everyday.  That bright red 'mohawk' that he sports on the top of his head can be seen clear across the yard when he's in the trees so to be able to see this beautiful bird with his brilliant coloring, up close, is a pure joy.

The smaller woodpeckers keep their distance when the big guy is around.  They fly in and land on the snow beneath the table, hoping to catch any flying bits of fat that happen to fall.

The pileated woodpecker is getting used to me watching through the window.  Previously he would fly away when he noticed me but now he glances up and probably thinks "It's her again" and gets back to his business. 

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