Saturday, November 8, 2014

The snow started falling last night, making me a happy person this morning.  The flakes kept falling throughout the day blanketing the yard in white.  There isn't enough to ski or snowshoe but it is a beginning.

Today was the kind of day to sit under a blanket by the wood stove with a good book.  Every now and again I would get up and glance into the backyard to see how much snow was accumulating.  I went out twice to shovel the deck off and to refill the bird feeders.

The birds were actively feeding at all the stations.  The magpies tried their best to reach the low hanging suet but opted for the deer grain instead.  One of them happened to be eating when the first deer came into the yard.  The fawn wasn't too sure about what was feeding at his dish.

The bluejays flew in to the tray feeders.  The sunflower seeds were covered with snow but the jays used their beaks to swish the snow over the edge so they could get at the seeds.

I filled the grain dish twice for the deer.  The does and fawns came into the yard first.  They were able to feed for awhile before a buck showed up.  As soon as he entered the yard, the others scattered; trying to get by him without getting butted.  

It was interesting to watch the backyard action.  I was happy to see the buck during daylight hours.  The snow blanket in the yard made for easy viewing since the deer no longer blend in with the brown grasses and shrubs.

From the look of the temperatures over the next week, this snow is finally here to stay.


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