Tuesday, November 11, 2014

There was no rambling today.  Instead, there was reflection.  Reflection on this day of remembrance for all those who have fought and those who still fight for our freedom; our freedom to safely roam the wide open spaces and live in a country of so much opportunity.  We must never take this for granted.

I ponder this when I'm out on the trails.  There are so many people in this world that will never have this experience.

Today, almost 3000 people gathered for an emotional Remembrance Day service where I work.  A family in our community lost their son in 2009.  Each year as I watch his mother and sisters lay wreaths in his memory, tears begin to well up.  I always have a couple of handfuls of tissue for the end of the service when the representatives from the military, RCMP, fire department, and cadets march off.  This year was no different.  The entire crowd stood and applauded in recognition of their service and the tissue came out of my pocket.

As I drove home, I paid more attention than usual to the open fields, the sparkling snow, the waving grasses, the snow-covered branches and the soaring birds.  The first thing that I did when I got home was make a cup of coffee and sit down to 'rewind' the events of the morning. 

I sat at the table looking out the window and a lone doe wandered into the yard.  She glanced up at me as she made her way to the grain dish.  I watched as she ate and thought once again how lucky I am to live in a land of the free. 

The day is not over yet.  Take time to remember.


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